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Bone graft

| Company for human health a leading biotechnology



Special features and materials

InduCera is bovine porous bone mineral coated dually with biocompatible calcium phosphate (Ca-P) This product is pure osteoconductive mineral matrix prepared according to the regimented manufacturing process and has no immune rejection reaction.
InduCera has porous structures closely resembling that of human cancellous bone having macropores and micropores. The intercounnected porosity facilitates its revascularization and promotes the formation and growth of the new bone after grafting. The surface of the Ca-P dual-coat has charges that play a role in adhesion of osteoblasts and osteoclasts to it, which promotes the new bone formation and remodeling.


A. Origin : The Australian bovine bone (The safety country from BSE risk) approved OIE(Office International des Epizooties)
B. Bone choice : The femoral cancellous bone of bovine (BSE-free part of bovine bone) in accordance with EU law
C. Traceability : Strict control of the slaughter and transportation
D. Manufacturing process : Inactivation of vireses, Complete organic remobal
E. Radiation sterilization : Radurization, Dual-packing

The outstanding similar structucture with human bone





Special features and composition

BioCera-F is bovine porous bone mineral from the Australian bovine bone. This product is pure osteoconductive mineral matrix prepared according to the refimented manufacturing process and has no immune rejection reaction.
DioCera-F has porous structures closely resembling that of human cancellous bone having macropores and micropores. The interconnected porosity facilitates its revascularization and promotes the formation and growth of the new bone after grafting.


A. Origin : The Australian bovine bone (The safety country from BSE risk) approved OIE (Office International des Epizooties)
B. Bone choice : The femoral cancellous bone of bovine (BSE-free part of bovine bone) in accordance with EU law
C. Traceability : Strict control of the slaughter and transportation
D. Manufacturing process : Inactivation of viruses, Complete organic removal
E. Radiation sterilization : Radurization, Dual-packing

Porous structure closely resembling with that of human cancellous bone


Pores resembling to that of human hone. Interconnected macropores of the graft facilitate its revascularization and promote new bone formation by osteoblasts.





SynCera II

SynCera II

Characteristics of SynCera

  • Consists of beta-tricalcium phosphate, SynCera has greater osteoconductivity.
  • SynCera’s unique dual porosity, macropore and micropore, encourages exceptional in-growth and out-growth.
  • Due to superior re-absorption rate of SynCera (greater than that of HA). SynCera can be completely replaced by a new bone.

Dual porosity with Micropores and Macropores

SynCera II


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